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Love Is Overdue Page 6
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Page 6
“Shit, baby.” He pulled back suddenly, his hands back exploring my body through the thin fabric of my dress. “If this ain’t happening, you gotta tell me now,” he said then, sounding so very serious.
I licked my lips, his words sending a rush of blood through my veins. I didn’t want him to stop but his words also sent me a quick reality-check. He was right. If I wasn’t going to do this, I had to stop him now.
“I don’t want to stop, but...” My voice trailed off, though, as his kiss took over and my mouth was overcome by his own once again. This was getting so out of control...
“Maybe we should slow down,” I whispered, my reluctance apparent as I just went right on kissing him.
“It’s okay...” he said softly, pushing the hair from my face gently, which just made me want him even more.
I reached out and touched his face then, kissing him again, tugging on those gorgeous lips. “What kind of girl would I be if I let you fuck me the very first night?” I wondered aloud.
He didn’t say anything to that, though. He was still staring at my body, his hands massaging my hips and my thighs, steering dangerously close to where I wanted to feel his touch the most. Where I was already so wet and ready for him.
“Baby, you have no idea what you doin’ to me,” he said softly. “Am not about to let you go...” His mouth and his breath were sending shivers across my neck and my jaw. “I don’t have to fuck you to know that.”
“Hmmm...” I sighed softly, wrapping my arms around him tightly. “I’m glad you don’t think I’m just a bad tease,” I joked softly.
He laughed softly, pulling back reluctantly. “I didn’t say that...”
My eyes went wide. “Wow...” I smiled at that. “That was mean.”
“No,” he said then, kissing me again gently as he held my hips, easing me down off the table. “Mean is how you sending me home tonight...all alone and hard as fuck after having my hands all over this sexy body you got.”
His words made me just want to rip all his clothes off, but I caught my breath and resisted. “Now you just making me feel bad,” I said softly, gathering up my cardigan and slowly slipping it back over my shoulders. “But at least you’re honest,” I threw in teasingly.
He stepped back and just gave me this intense look of longing, but as frustrated as he looked, there was no resentment there, and it just made me want him even more. Where did this man come from???
Then just like that, my phone went off. Text message. It seemed to surprise both of us and made me realize for the first time that Ben had not touched his phone all night.
“Shit...” I reached for my bag and pulled out my phone, knowing right away who it was. My phone said it was a few minutes to three. I opened the message, read it, and then let out a reluctant sigh. “Sorry,” I said softly, clicking it off again.
“Everything okay?” Ben looked concerned.
“Yes, it’s just...my aunt,” I admitted. “Since I was going out tonight I asked her to spend the night in case my mom needed someone and she just texted to see where I was. I think she’d prefer to go home instead.”
“That’s okay,” Ben said, reaching out and pushing my hair behind my ear. “I can call you a cab.”
“You’re not going home?” I was confused. I knew we lived in the same direction.
“Yeah, but I’m just gonna clean up first and ting,” he told me, getting out his phone from his back pocket. “You should get home, you don’t wanna piss off your aunt, ‘cause we may want to do this again sometime.” He started to dial.
I smiled and waited for him to finish. “I had a really good time,” I said then, even though the truth went far beyond that simple statement.
He leaned over and kissed me softly. “You and me both.”
He waited with me outside the restaurant for my cab to pull up and then handed me a twenty dollar bill for the cab fare, even knowing I only lived a short ride away.
I shook my head. “Nope, I got this,” I said adamantly.
He sucked his teeth, giving me a little suspicious look, but didn’t push. “You always this stubborn?” he wondered, pocketing the bill again.
I laughed. “Yes, I can be,” I admitted, reaching for the door to the cab.
He sighed. “All right, well...text me when you get home.”
I leaned in and kissed him softly but as I moved to pull back he held my face between his hands and kissed me deeper.
“Fuck...” He groaned softly as he finally released me, his sexual frustration apparent yet again. “You too much, Gabriela...”
I smiled at him then, my eyes betraying me. I wondered if he could see how badly I wanted him without me saying a word. I held my tongue and just climbed into the back seat of the cab. My head was spinning the entire way home.
I was true to my word and sent Ben a text message the minute I got into my bedroom. My aunt had decided to head home, worrying about leaving my two teenage cousins in an empty house all night long. Lately she’d been mumbling about her issues with Diego, her seventeen year old, who was constantly out partying and drinking all hours of the night. I had a feeling it wouldn’t be easy convincing her to spend the night again any time soon.
I climbed into bed in my t-shirt and panties and as soon as my head hit the pillow I heard my phone vibrate on the night stand.
His message made my insides turn and flip and drip all over again. That night as I lay in bed, I reached down between my legs and touched myself where I wanted Ben’s hands, fingers, mouth and cock so bad I could have screamed. I came so hard and so fast, stifling my moans as best I could with my pillow, but truthfully, that night I couldn’t have cared less if my mother had heard every agonizing second of it.
Chapter Four
Ben consumed my every thought from that day on. We texted each other that weekend a lot, but we didn’t see each other. I spent Saturday with my mom, running errands and doing housework, and on Sunday afternoon Tony had already roped me into going to the mall with him to buy some new jeans. I sent Ben a text joking that he should come join us, that Tony had excellent fashion sense and his response to that cracked me up immediately.
And then he went on to tell me that he was taking his daughter Sophie to the park and then spending the rest of his day off sleeping, but I was more than welcome to come join him in bed. I rolled my eyes, but was still amused at his suggestive response. He was such a man...
“Girl, what did you do to your hair?” Tony gave me a suspicious grimace as soon as I walked into Starbucks to meet him.
I rolled my eyes. “What are you talking about?” I sighed, sinking down onto the seat across the table from him and tossing my purse down next to me. “I didn’t do anything to my hair,” I shot back, taking a long sip of my chai-tea latté.
“There’s something different about you,” he said, eyeing me up and down, not letting it go.
“Maybe that’s because I met a man and it took all my strength not to fuck his brains out Friday night,” I groaned, still secretly wishing I had. “So I guess it’s taken a toll...”
Tony’s jaw nearly hit the floor. “What the fuck?” He made a dive for his iPhone. “He on your facebook?”
I hesitated. “Why? What are you doing?”
“Checking him out. What’s his name?”
“I’m not telling you that. I don’t trust you. He’s too amazing and I know you would do something stupid like send him a message.”
Tony rolled his eyes. “Stop the fuckin’ dramatics. What’s his name?”
I sighed. “Ben,” I gave in easily, and then waited briefly as he madly searched through my contacts until he’d located his profile.
His eyes popped open again. �
��You craving some more black dick, I guess... He’s fine, though, even though I can’t see much from his pic...” He squinted into the screen of his phone again.
“He owns The Rock, that Caribbean joint next to my work,” I explained.
“Oh snap – you serious? My aunty took me there last month. The food is da bomb – even though I try to steer clear of those island restaurants... Always lookin’ at me like they ready to fag-bash me as soon as I hit the men’s room...” He let out a little dramatic shudder at the thought.
I shook my head. “Tony, he is so amazing...and he’s so sweet and so smart and so gentle and...” My voice trailed off, completely lost in my thoughts again. “He’s so different too. I told him all about me and you – he didn’t even bat an eye.”
He lowered his eyes at me. “You told him about me?”
“Yes,” I insisted.
And then I just lost it and told him every last detail – from how we met, to all the youtube videos, and then everything from that amazing date we’d had, including the panty-wetting make-out session on top of the table.
He listened to me go on and on for over twenty minutes and when I was finally finished I decided to forgive him for ignoring me for over a month. He had let me have my moment.
“Why the fuck didn’t you give it up?” He looked a little shocked once I had finished my story. “I mean, in a way I’m glad you didn’t, but you haven’t had any dick in what? Six months or some shit...” He shook his head.
I sighed. “He just seemed too good to be true, to be honest. I fell so hard, I didn’t want to wake up the next morning just waiting and praying for him to call me – I really can’t go down that road again.”
He sighed. “Well, I’m proud of you. You don’t deserve any more bullshit, like people disrespectin’ your moms and shit like that...”
My eyes went wide. “You wouldn’t believe it!” I said suddenly, remembering. “She made tea this morning! I woke up and raced to the kitchen, I was hearing all this noise like she used to make in the middle of the night a few years ago when she was having all that fucking insomnia – I almost had a heart attack! And she was just sitting there at the table...drinking some fucking tea, Tony...”
He smiled, and I could tell that he of all people understood my excitement. “That’s awesome, Gabby...and...” He stopped for a moment, looking troubled again. “I just want to apologize for flakin’ out on you this past while, I was just goin’ through so much shit with that dick-wad Jason...”
I sighed. So they had broken up. And here I had been hoping Tony had turned a new leaf...
About an hour later as the two of us were browsing through the racks at H&M, I heard my phone go off. It was Ben.
His text made my heart flutter again and I tipped my phone for Tony to see.
He sucked his teeth at me, turning back to the rack of jeans he was scouring through. “I give it, like three days max – and you’ll be fucking him.”
Then I just stopped dead in my tracks.
Tony looked at me and saw the look of horror on my face. “What?” He stared me down and then slowly turned, following my eyes to what had me stunned like a deer in some headlights.
I couldn’t take my eyes off him. It was Ben. He was standing a few rows away next to a beautiful full-figured white girl – a little bigger than me, but proportioned just right. She had beautiful reddish-brown hair tied in a messy side-braid and a pair of skinny jeans that accentuated her thick legs and huge ass.
As I stared I saw her laugh at something Ben said and her hand grazed his back so tenderly. I was going to be sick.
“What?” Tony demanded, his eyes still darting back and forth. “Is that him?” His eyes were suddenly on fire.
I nodded slowly, my heart sinking into the pit of my stomach. I was about to cry and Tony could see it.
“Fucking asshole!” Tony was losing it. And then, before I could even manage a response, he was marching his skinny ass right over to the two of them.
“No, Tony...” I started to protest, but then as soon as Ben’s head turned in my direction, I really needed to stop him. “Tony!” I called even louder.
It wasn’t Ben. As the flood of relief started to wash over me another kind of panic set in as I hurried over to stop Tony from confronting him.
But I was too late.
“What the fuck?” Tony’s eyes were shooting daggers at the two of them.
Both of them turned to look at Tony with complete confusion on their faces. And that’s when I knew for certain. It was Ben’s brother. There was no question in my mind. The similarities were far too strong – even down to their dreadlocks, but then again, his brother’s were hidden under a black-brimmed tam so it was hard to say.
“How you going do my girl like that?” Tony demanded, staring down Ben’s brother like he was about to pounce on him. Of course, the fight between the two of them would have been the definition of an unfair advantage. Tony, with his piddly 130 pounds and five foot seven frame was no match for his opponent’s six feet and something like 170 pounds of lean, hard muscle.
“What?” Ben’s brother stared back at Tony like was completely insane.
But the girl he was with – undoubtedly Ben’s ex – had a sudden look of horror on her face as she saw me come up behind Tony.
“Sorry!” I interrupted quickly. “I’m really, really sorry...” I stammered pathetically.
“Men like you make me fucking sick!” Tony would not shut up. “How you going play my girl and then show up here with this bitch hangin’ off your arm?”
Ben’s ex-girlfriend’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as her jaw hit the floor. Ben’s brother suddenly had much more than confusion dancing in his eyes. Now it was something a little closer to rage.
“Who the fuck are you?” he demanded suddenly.
Oh shit, even the voice was the same. And the accent.
“And who the fuck is you callin’ a bitch?” Ben’s brother took a threatening step closer to Tony.
“Tony!” I jumped between them suddenly. “It’s not him!” I practically shouted, then turned my focus back on the two of them. “I’m so sorry, this is just one huge misunderstanding – Tony, please just back the fuck up, it’s not him.”
“What?” Tony’s eyes went wide with embarrassment. “Oh shit. My bad...”
“I’m really sorry,” I said again, turning back to the two of them, and then grabbed Tony by the arm. “Tony, let’s go...”
“Whoa – hold up a minute.” She finally spoke. “What’s this all about?”
I looked back over at the two of them, wishing I could just bolt to the door. I turned to Ben’s brother. “I’m sorry, it’s just that you look a lot like someone I know and Tony thought that...well, you know...”
“Well you can’t blame me,” Tony protested in his own defense. “You looked like you were about to bust into tears and you were only like ten feet away from him – what the fuck you expect me to do?”
“Tony, shut up,” I pleaded desperately.
Ben’s brother focused in on Tony again. “Just so you know, the next time you try step up to a brother like that, you goin’ have more than fancy words a deal with – fi real.”
“Ivan, it’s all good, she thought you were Ben. It happens.” Ben’s ex spoke the words I had dreaded the most.
“Shit, you know him?” Tony and his big fat fucking mouth. I wanted to punch him myself.
Suddenly, though, the two of them were focusing a lot more attention on me than on Tony.
“Yeah, we know him.” Ivan spoke. “It’s all good. Apology accepted.” I could tell he was ready to drop the subject.
“Thank you,” I said quickly, desperate to take advantage of the out he’d given us. “Again, I’m really sorry. Tony, let’s go.” I grabbed his arm again and nearly dragged his ass right out of the store.
So after the horror of the chao
s that ensued inside H&M, I didn’t even send Ben a reply to his text message. I just kept trying to figure out how to explain it all to him should I have to. I went through various different scenarios of how the news of it would get back to him. I knew my name had never been mentioned, but Tony’s sure was. And any description made of the raging maniac that confronted the two of them would undoubtedly have Tony’s name written all over it. And I had told Ben all about him.
So when Ben’s number popped up on my phone, his call came as a complete shock until I remembered that I had asked him to call me – and a smile crossed my lips in the wake of all the drama I was dealing with. He had called.
“Hello?” I answered on the third ring.
“Hey...whassup pretty lady?” His smooth, sexy voice was teasing me already.
I decided to forget the drama for the time being.
“I’m good. How are you?”
“Not too bad,” he admitted. His voice sounded too relaxed. I figured he was already in bed. “Just thinking about you.”
I melted. I curled up on the sofa, wrapping myself in my mother’s afghan. She had gone to bed early and I’d been sitting in the living room channel-surfing when he’d called.
“You were, huh?” I tried not to show my excitement, but I knew it was obvious that I was pleased.
“I was,” he repeated. “I think I been doing that a little too much lately.”
“Hmmm...” I felt my stomach tie up in knots and I was lost for words.
“So how was your day shoppin’ with ‘ya boy’?” he teased me.
Oh crap. I racked my brain for a suitable response. “It was pretty crazy actually, but then again so is he so...”
“Oh yeah? Crazy how?”
I thought for a minute. Why the hell couldn’t we be talking about something else?
“I don’t know...I haven’t seen him in a while so there was just a shit-load of gossip to catch up on, you know how we girls do it...” I kind of laughed.